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Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bones and causes them to become brittle and weak. As a result, even minor stresses like coughing or bending over can cause a fracture.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

There are no symptoms or warning signs in the initial stages. Often the damage may not be apparent till the person suffers a fracture.

Some of the warning signs are:

  • Receding gums
  • Weak grip strength
  • Brittle nails
  • Back pain (due to collapsed or fractured vertebra)
  • Higher probability of fractures
  • Stooped posture
  • Loss of height over time

What causes Osteoporosis

Young bone is in a constant state of renewal. When the body creates new bone tissue, older bone tissue breaks down. In a young person, the formation of new bone tissue is faster than the breakdown of aging tissue, leading to increased bone density. This process slows down after a person reaches their early 20s. Peak bone density is attained by the early 30s. After that, bone mass slowly starts getting depleted with age.

Certain factors like age, sex, family medical history, hormonal changes, long-term usage of steroidal medication, diet, and lifestyle can influence the speed of the depletion process depending on the amount of bone mass amassed in a person’s youth. The higher the peak bone mass in a person, the less the chance of developing Osteoporosis as they age.

How is Osteoporosis Diagnosed

The diagnosis of Osteoporosis begins with the evaluation of symptoms and physical examination of the patient. The doctor would then recommend a few lab tests and image tests. Finally, if the reports indicate Osteoporosis, he will ask you to get a bone density test run. Bone density is measured with the help of a machine that uses low levels of x-rays to determine the proportion of minerals in the bones.

How is Osteoporosis Treated

Unless the chances of breaking a bone in the next ten years are very high, doctors usually recommend lifestyle modifications that reduce the risk factors of bone loss and falls. Some of the medications recommended are:

Bisphosphonates: The most widely prescribed medication for Osteoporosis are bisphosphonates. They slow down bone loss.

Monoclonal antibody medications: These drugs produce similar or better bone density results than bisphosphonates and reduce the chance of all kinds of fractures. Once they start, a person might have to take this drug indefinitely.

Hormone therapy: Estrogen can help maintain bone density if started right after menopause.

The doctor may prescribe osteoporosis medication alone or alongside testosterone replacement therapy for the best effect for men.

Can Osteoporosis be prevented
One can delay Osteoporosis with the following preventive measures:

  • Lifestyle: Avoid a sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, and tobacco usage. Appropriate body weight plays an important role in preventing bone loss and fractures.
  • Diet: Regular intake of calcium, magnesium, protein, vitamin K and zinc helps maintain bone health.
  • Exercise: Regular workout helps to slow down bone depletion rate and builds strong bones, irrespective of the age at which the person starts exercising.

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